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Yinka Ilori and Pricegore unveil The Colour Palace at London Festival of Architecture

Designer Yinka Ilori has teamed up with architecture studio Pricegore on a multicoloured pavilion installed outside Dulwich Picture Gallery in London.

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Architects and designers "absolutely vital" in shift to circular economy says Ellen MacArthur

Circular economy champion Ellen MacArthur has called on designers to help transform the global economy along sustainable lines.

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Oppenheim Architecture's sinuous concrete golf clubhouse mimics Jordan's desertscape

A dune-like concrete shell encases the Ayla Clubhouse in Aqaba, which Oppenheim Architecture has designed to blend in with the surrounding desert in Jordan.

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Watch our talk with Liam Young exploring how drones will change cities live from London

Dezeen's founder and editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs will speak to speculative architect Liam Young about drones, the topic of Dezeen's short film Elevation, in a talk at the Building Centre in London tonight. Watch live here from 6:30pm UK time.

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Space Encounters uses soft partitions to divide spacious Flowpolis office in Amsterdam

Translucent curtains and rows of white columns help to divide but not segment this real-estate office in Amsterdam, designed by local studio Space Encounters.

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Dezeen Awards 2019 receives more than 4,500 entries

Thanks to everyone who entered Dezeen Awards 2019! Here's what happens next.

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Stacie Woolsey creates her own masters course as "viable alternative" to design education

Priced out of further education, British design graduate Stacie Woolsey approached designers to help her create her own masters course. Speaking to Dezeen, she says elitism is a problem the industry urgently needs to address.

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Oliver du Puy Architects creates 4.2-metre-wide Skinny House in Melbourne

An exposed concrete frame supports this 4.2-metre-wide skinny house in Melbourne designed by Oliver du Puy Architects to feature meditation spaces.

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Harriet Harriss named dean of Pratt Institute School of Architecture

New York City's Pratt Institute has named British architect and professor Harriet Harriss as the next dean of its school of architecture.

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Landini Associates creates "the ultimate McDonald's" on Times Square

McDonald's has opened a glass-fronted restaurant topped with a giant billboard on Times Square in New York City.

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Sagrada Familia finally gets building permit after 137 years

Barcelona's city authority has granted the Antoni Gaudí-designed Sagrada Familia, which has been under construction since 1882, its first building permit.

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Nike introduces plus-size and para-sport mannequins to London store

Nike has redesigned the women's floor of its flagship shop in London, introducing plus-size and para-sport mannequins for its sportswear displays.

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Sony explores robot-human relationships with Affinity in Autonomy exhibition

Sony has staged an artificial intelligence-themed exhibition, featuring a field of white spheres that move as if they have their own personalities.

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Jerome Engelking designs Wuehrer House for forest clearing in the Hamptons

Architect Jerome Engelking sought to avoid metaphors and "overt symbolism" while conceiving this glass-and-wood holiday home for a secluded site on New York's Long Island.

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Forbo's Flotex Colour flooring is designed to enhance wellbeing in the workplace

Dezeen promotion: flooring manufacturer Forbo has launched a new range that is designed to improve the environmental and wellbeing performance of offices.

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