Garden Bridge scrapped | Tattoo-style wearables | Grenfell cladding passes safety test

Latest architecture and design news from Dezeen.

Thomas Heatherwick's Garden Bridge officially scrapped

London mayor launches inquiry into finances of contentious Garden Bridge

The final nail in the coffin for the controversial Thomas Heatherwick-designed Garden Bridge  has come today, as the trust behind the project announced its closure following lack of support by London mayor Sadiq Khan. More ›


Cladding passes fire safety test ordered following Grenfell Tower blaze

A safety test carried out on a variation of the aluminium cladding blamed for the spread of the fire at Grenfell Tower  has shown the design is compliant with current building regulations. More ›


Japanese research group develops wearable sensor that stays on the skin for a week

Wearable electronics developed by the University of Tokyo

Researchers from the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Engineering have created a temporary tattoo-style sensor that can be comfortably worn for up to a week. More ›


Pitsou Kedem designs colourful screens based on Japanese kites for Tel Aviv bistro

Ya Pan by Pitsou Kedem

Mesh screens in contrasting colours hang above the heads of diners at Tel Aviv's Ya Pan bistro, designed by local architect Pitsou Kedem. More ›


Sea Del House by Robert Gurney faces the beach in Delaware

Sea Del House by Robert Gurney

Strict building codes and environmental controls dictated the layout of this oceanfront house in Delaware by American architect Robert Gurney. More ›


Salvatore Spataro's Tastami chocolates are edible versions of traditional Sicilian tools

Salvatore Spataro's Tastami chocolates are edible versions of traditional Sicilian tools

Italian architect Salvatore Spataro has created miniature chocolate versions of Sicilian farming tools and toys including baskets, fish traps and spinning tops. More ›


Eda Kutluozen proposes affordable housing above tube stations for London's key workers

RCA Architecture graduate proposes affordable housing in Vertical Open City project

Royal College of Art architecture graduate Eda Kutluozen's Vertical Open City project proposes inserting dense affordable housing and public spaces into disused sites across London. More ›


NCDA designs wood-screened loft bedroom for tiny Hong Kong treehouse

Mini Treehouse Residence by NCDA

This treehouse residence in Hong Kong has been overhauled by local firm NCDA, which designed a cosy bedroom level suspended above the main space. More ›